David A. Price
Of Counsel
200 Grand Avenue, Suite 400
Grand Junction, CO 81501
mailing address:
Post Office Box 40
Grand Junction, CO 81502-0040
David A. Price
David Price leads the firm's education law practice group. Mr. Price is a former shareholder of the firm who returned as of counsel in 2008 after serving as Director and Lead Counsel of the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) Legal Services Program, a program he helped establish to serve the legal needs of Colorado school districts.
Mr. Price has forty years of professional experience spanning a wide range of legal matters, including litigation and other proceedings before state and federal courts, regulatory bodies and administrative agencies. He serves as legal counsel to several Western slope school districts, hospitals and other educational and health care institutions. He also serves as general counsel to the Colorado State Shooting Association.
Practice Areas
Education Law
Local Government Law
Civil Rights and Constitutional Law
Business Transactions and Contracts
Public Employment and Labor Law
Named "Small Hospital Trustee of the Year," by Modern Healthcare magazine (2012)
Events and Speaking Engagements
Co-presenter, "The Colorado Open Records Act: An Overview," Lorman Educational Services, Grand Junction, CO (2014)
Co-Presenter, various "School Law Basics" workshops for school board directors and administrative staff, Colorado Association of School Boards Annual Convention, The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado (2005-2011)
Panelist, "Senate Bill 191, RIFs, Displacement and Mutual Consent Transfers," Colorado Council of School Board Attorneys' Annual School Law Seminar, Brighton, Colorado (2011)
Co-presenter, "Students, Staff and the New Connectivity," Colorado Safe Schools Conference, Grand Junction, Colorado (2009)
Seminar, Public Employment Law, Grand Junction, Colorado (2009)
Lecture, "Title IX and Lessons From Wieker," Annual Conference of the Colorado Athletic Directors' Association, Breckenridge, Colorado (2007)
Co-presenter, "Discipline in Cyberspace," 37th Annual Convention of the Colorado Association of School Executives, Breckenridge, Colorado (2006)
Annual Guest Lecturer on Education Law, Colorado Mesa University, Master's Degree Program in Education, 2005-Present
Presenter, "High Tech Schools: A Look at the Legal Landscape," Winter Conference, Colorado Association of School Executives (2003)
Adjunct Faculty, On-line School Law Course for Master's Degree Program in Education, Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado, (2000-2001)
Co-presenter, "I.D.E.A. Requirements and the Potentially Violent Student," Seminar, Lorman Educational Services, Denver, Colorado (April, 2000)
Panelist, "Safe Schools – Issues and Action Steps," Colo. Council of School Board Attorneys, Colo. Springs, Colorado (December, 1999)
Presenter, "Section 504 and the Regular Classroom," Lorman Educational Services Seminar on Special Education, Denver, Colorado (April, 1999)
Presenter, "Do The 1997 IDEA Amendments Change The Rules For Short Term Suspensions Of Disabled Students?" Colorado Council of School Board Attorneys, Colo. Springs, Colorado (December, 1998)
Presenter, "Preparing for a Special Education Due Process Hearing," Colo. Council of School Board Attorneys, Snowmass, Colorado (June, 1998)
Co-presenter, "The Colorado Open Records Act: An Overview," Lorman Educational Services, Grand Junction, CO (2014)
Professional Associations and Memberships
Mesa County Bar Association
Colorado Bar Association
President, Board of Trustees, The Art Center of Western Colorado, 2023-present
Colorado Council of School Board Attorneys, 1993–present, Chairman 2000-2001
Colorado Supreme Court Committee on Continuing Legal and Judicial Education, 2002–present
National School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys (COSA), 1993–present
Board of Trustees, Colorado West Health Care Systems d/b/a Community Hospital, 2006-2012, Chairman of the Board, 2007-2012
Editor and Publisher, Mesa County Bar Association Newsletter ("The Cursory Review"), 1990-1997
Member, Executive Council of the Young Lawyers' Section of the Colorado Bar Association, 1986-1990; Secretary-Treasurer, 1988
Column Editor, Young Lawyers' Column of the Colorado Lawyer magazine, 1987-1988
Casenote/Comment Editor, University of Colorado Law Review
Bar Admissions
Colorado, 1984
U.S. District Court of Colorado, 1984
U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, 1987
Named "Small Hospital Trustee of the Year," by Modern Healthcare magazine (2012)
University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder, Colorado, 1984, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Recipient, John A. Cross Memorial Scholarship
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 1981, Bachelor of Arts with Distinction; Phi Beta Kappa; Regent Scholar
Birth information
Lemmon, South Dakota
Grand Junction
200 Grand Avenue, Suite 400
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Telephone: 970.986.3400
Fax: 970.986.3401